- concert, exhibition, and lecture
- Három Holló
- 1500
- Tickets
The adudiovisual concert, interactive installation and presentation of the Ressi / Benes duo

game over is a series of explorative musical video game environments which can be either played live on stage by a performer or presented as interactive installations. In this performance, a clarinet player navigates an avatar through extensive complex 2D game worlds with the help of a motion sensor on his/her instrument. Since almost every action triggers musical events, the performer is invited to freely explore the environment, interact with its (computer-controlled) inhabitants and exploit the game mechanics to provoke unconventional musical structures. The game worlds are collages of well-known 2D game genres which often superimpose or blend into each other; they are thought of as musical scores which can be always read anew. Occasionally, the composers intervenes with the game play by sending events or reprogramming parts of the game in real time. There is a notable tension between “reasonable” game actions on the one hand and purely musical decisions on the other hand. Since they often conflict with each other, the player is constantly challenged to maintain a balance and find meaningful goals within a vast space of possibilities. The performance is a reflection on the role of the individual within a system of constraints and searches for the expressive potential of rebellion against predefined rules.
Supporters: NKA, EMMI, Österreichisches Kulturforum Budapest
- Christof Ressi: terrain study
- Szilárd Benes - clarinet
- Christof Ressi - electronics