
Sound_Tracks is a (soon-to-be-released!) interactive encyclopedia of music, created by Berlin-based ensemble, DieOrdnungDerDinge. In Sound_Tracks, digital visitors navigate their way along a route of playful videos and activities, in which the ensemble introduces musical concepts with incredible charm and expertise. The ensemble, which is a long-time collaborator of the festival, was planning a theatrical event, but decided to proceed with the project online, when lockdowns eliminated live performances. 


Check out this karaoke-style workshop of Steve Reich’s Clapping Music, up for one week only! And follow them for updates on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!



From left to right in the video, the DieOrdnungDerDinge Ensemble:

Meriel Price  (saxophone, composition, visual art, performance)

Cathrin Romeis (cello, performance)

Iñigo Giner Miranda (piano, composition, performance)

Vera Kardos (violin, performance)

Indoor Jogging

An interactive listening and sound-making experience by Germaine Liu and Christopher Willes of Toronto, Canada.

CentriFUGA feat. Szűcs Dóra Ida

The CentriFUGA feat. Dóra Ida Szűcs concert is a multidisciplinary event. Each piece in the program is a new Hungarian composition, written with contemporary dance and movement in mind and dedicated to dancer Dóra Ida Szűcs.
01.17 18:00
Online FUGA event